The Committee Members / Il-Membri tal-Kumitat

The Honorary President / Il-President Onorarju




Pamela Muscat

Pamela is married and a mother of 5 children, three of which have ADHD.  She is an LSE and an ADHDer herself.  She has been diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 47. She has been active in the voluntary sector for over 26 years and been president of ADHD Malta since 2013 were she took over the group from the old committee.

Pamela hija miżżewġa u omm ta' 5 titfal, 3 minnhom bl-ADHD.  Hi ukoll LSE u ADHDer hi stess. Ġiet assessjata meta kellha 47 sena.  Hi ila attiva fis settut tal-volontarjat iktar minn 26-il sena u ila president tal-ADHD Malta mil-2013 meta ħadet taħt idejha l-għaqda mill-kumitat ta' qabel.

Vice President / Vici President

Carola Stivala

Carola is married and mother of 2 children one of whom is diagnosed with ADHD. She has been the Honorary Secretary of ADHD Malta since 2013. Carola has been involved in launching the accredited ADHD Adult approach Course in Malta.

Carola hija miżżewġa u omm ta ’żewġt itfal wiehed minnhom bl-ADHD.  Hija wkoll  ilha s-Segretarju Onorarju tal-ADHD Malta mill-2013. Carola ilha involuta fit-tnedija tal-Kors akkreditat ADHD Adult approach Coaching f'Malta.


The Honorary Treasurer / It-Teżorier Onorarju


Dorothy Sciberras

Dorothy is seperated and mother of 2 children, one of whom is diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia.  She works in a local bank and has been Honorary Treasurer since 2013.  She has also been trained as an ADHD Adult Coach.

Dorothy hija separata u omm ta 'żewġt subien, wiehed minnhom bl-ADHD u d-Dyslexia. Taħdem f'bank lokali u ilha Teżorier Onorarju mill-2013. Hija ġiet ukoll imħarrġa bħala ADHD Adult Coach.


The Honorary Secretary / Segretarja Onorarju

Jennifer Briffa Desjardins



Members / Membri

Dr Steven Vella

Mrs Daniela Xuereb

Mrs Charlene Rhozga Miggiani

Mr Rob Cauthorne












